Vayak Pvt. Ltd. Apps

Vayak Pay 4.1
Get complete web portal for all kind of services. Tatakl Banking-DMT (Domestic Money Transfer), AEPS (Aadhar Enable PaymentSystem)Bus Booking - Travels and Bus ticket booking BBPS - (BharatBillPayment System), Recharge - Mobile, DTH, New DTH ConnectionandMany other services . Our goal is to provide all kind ofservicesand bill payment at your door steps. Anywhere, AnytimePaymentpossible. Anybody can pay electricity, Phone, Gas, Waterbills ofany place of India at our any Agent Outlet. So its 100%flexiblepayment system. e.g. If you presently leaving in a cityMehsana andyou have house and factory in mehsana and you also have1 farm atVisnagar and 1 old house at village Laxmipura. You can payall yourelectric bills of different places, DTH recharge,MobilePrepaid/postpaid, Landline bill at any one our agent Outlet.AEPSAnybody can withdraw cash from his own bank account fromVayakPayretailer outlet, with the help of Aadhaar Enabled PaymentSystem(AEPS). Money Transfer VayakPay provide Domestic MoneyTransfer toany bank account all over India. Quick, Fast and SecureDeposit,even on holidays and at night Utility Bills Utility billpaymentlike Electricity, Gas, Postpaid, Landline, Water Bill,InsurancePremium can be paid using Bharat Bill Payment System(BBPS) withVayakPay. Bus Booking 1,00,000+ Travel routes coveredand 6000+city covered. Anybody can book bus ticket of privatetravel co. andmany state transport (ST) Mobile Recharge We provideQuick MobileRecharge services for Most of India Prepaid Companieslike Airtel,BSNL, Idea, Vodafone, Jio and DOCOMO etc. DTH RechargeWe provideDTH recharge services for India's most of DTH companieslike AirtelDigital, Dish TV, Tata Sky, Big TV, Sun Direct andVideocon DTH etcBenefit to Consumers by this Web Portal * All billscan be paid atone place - One person can make his all kind ofpayment at oneplace. Bill payment, recharge of mobile, Dthrecharge, moneytransfer all will be done at single place. * 75%villages,do nothave bill collection centers - At some places cashcollection vangoes once in month only, so only 20% to 30% bills arecollected.After that village peoples have to travel min. 10 to 50Km. just topay a bill of below 1000/-. Travelling cost and half daywages losscost them 200 to 300 Rs. to pay a bill. * Local Retailerarecharging 20 to 80 Rs - LocalRetailers & other peoples whoknowsonline mobile payment, are charging 20 to 80 Rs. fromcustomers.Retailers pay their bill from, their own Paytm or bankingapp. Thisis not legal, fair and justifiable. But either villagepeoples haveto waste their half day and traveling exp. or pay tovillageretailer whatever he ask. * Low Cost - Our registered agentwillprovide service of electric bill payment at low cost e.g. onlyin 5Rs. for bill below 1000/-. Village people can pay theirbillanytime, anywhere without any travelling or heavy cost. 24 X 7Youcan work on Web Portal, Android App VayakPay network andplatformthat runs on any computer at point-of-sale or throughMobile Appenabling payments for a host of services like prepaidmobile, DTHrecharges utility bill payments like postpaid mobile,land linebill, electricity bill, Gas and Water Bill payment.Domestic moneytransfer to any bank and cash withdrawal with AEPSand many otherServices. We also provide all above services to newvaluablechannel partners and customers who want to join us. you canpaybill of any place from any where in India and enjoyfullflexibility. So be ready to work with us and earn more withbetterservices to your clients and friends.
Vayak Staff Care 10.91
Vayak Staff Care App is a real Business App, with somanyfunctionality for Field Staff Controlling and onlinereporting.This app is for GPS tracking of Field Staff & to gettheironline reporting of work done with Location and root travel byhim,Their Tours, Visits, Expenses, Collection, Sales / Orderbookingand Leave can be entered by staff. Manager or owner can sendfuturetour Plan, Complains / Inquiries, Company News / MessagesandClient List. Also Get Staff Locations and Reporting in mobileandWebsite. Really this is a great Business app, with thisStaffperformance and efficiency will improve and whole work willbeonline. You can view all field staff activities and reportinginyour finger tips. For more detail you can visit Necessary for • Having Marketing Staff infield -Local Marketing, State Level Marketing or National LevelMarketing• Having Service Staff in field - like repairing of R.O.,Aircondition, washing Machine, Lift etc. • Having Staff at Site-Construction Site, Road work, JCB Work, Govt. contract Work ext.•Other Staff - Who visit in the field for paymentcollection,Purchase, Demo, Installations • For Manager/Owners -Mobile Apps totrack & monitor field staff by Managers andOwners Key Benefits• Management can see Staff Location & RouteTravel • Increaseprofit by decreasing false expenses • Increaseproductivity ofStaff • Reduce administrative costs • On-line StaffReporting &Management • Prospective Clients follow up • Stayconnected withstaff on the move • Get instant updates of Employeessales,collection, expenses, visit, location. • View, plan, guideandcontrol your staff even on tours. • Instant notification tostafffor company News and event, Messages from team,complains,inquiries, his future route plan. What will we provideyou? 1)Mobile Apps for your field Staff - Location Tracking -ExpensesEntry - Route Plan - Company News - View Complains - Tour&Visit’s work reporting - Sales & Collection Entry -InternalFree messages - Zone wise Party Address, Ph. No - Apply forLeave2) Mobile Apps for Manager/Owners Manager can also use allabovefeatures, addition to that he can view staff’s allentries,reports, current locations, travel route etc.. He canverify andsanction exp., leaves, future route plans & muchmore... 3)Admin website for back Office Staff All entry done inmobile, willbe available to back office staff in admin website.They canfilter, analyze & view all kind of reports. They cancontrolall staff’s Registration & Authorization. Also, canexport thedata in Excel & use it for salary, attendance etc.About VayakGroup "VAYAK" is one of the great IT companies in India.We are inthe field of Computer Software Development since 1995. Itis anInternational IT Products Development and Servicesprovidingcompany, provides solutions to varieties of fieldslikeCo-Operative, Staff Management, Education etc. . ISO 9001:2008certified company VAYAK has got two awards for best performanceinco-op. sector. VAYAK's software are most popular inCo-OperativeSector in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, AndhraPradesh,Karnataka, U.P., Bihar, Uttarakhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh,MadhyaPradesh, Assam & Delhi. We have done computerization ofmorethan 2500+ Credit & Employees Co-Op. Societiessuccessfully.Key Module in apps for Online Entry by staff • Tour& VisitEntry by staff. • Work Progress of Site entry by sitestaff. •Payment Collection Entry • Online Sales Entry • OnlineOrdertacking Entry • Expense Entry • Online Reporting • Onlineleaveapplication Other key Functionality of app • Complain /Inquiry /Follow up Management • Staff Location & Route view byadmin. •Future Route Plan by manager • Leave Management • PartyDetailOnline • M.I.S. Reports & Analysis • Company News &Eventssending • Internal official message sending
Society Member App 3.15
Vayak Member App For co-op. credit & employee soc. This apphelpmembers to connect with its society. With this App Manager/chairman / secretary can publish Official News and allinformationof society activity and financial reports. And they willget allcomplains and new account opening requests from members.Memberwill get all information of society and can get histransactiondetail in his mobile. He can send request and complainsalso.Society News, Events, holidays, forms and many useful detailis nowavailable at any time in his finger tips. For more detail youcanvisit our website This Mobile App is usefulformembers and person of • Credit Co-operative Society •EmployeeCredit Society • Financiers and Shrofs • Housing Co-op.Society •Micro Finance Company • N.B.F.C. / Nidhi Company • PackSocieties(Seva Samiti) About Vayak Company: This Application isdeveloped byIndia's No.1 credit co-op. society software VAYAK.VAYAK Companyhas computerized more than 1600 credit co-op. &employee creditsociety. This company is established since 1995& offering bestsoftware & service support since 22+ years.About App: * GoogleMaterial Design - This is first latest societyapp developed withGoogle Material Design. So this app is simple,easy to use, fastand professional look. * No personalAdvertisements - Bestprofessional app never shows advertisements inapp. and they willmake your working easy and smooth. So Vayak usesthat attitude ofeasy and smooth working. * App for employee &credit soc - wehave 1600+ clients, so we have developed App for alltype ofsociety. And all kind of schemes and functionality. *Informationregarding soc. - Now society can Auto publish its Profit&loss, Balance sheet, member information and all activitydetail inmobile App. So it can reduce its big cost of stationaryand it cankeep latest data available to members. * Latest Interest% - Everytime rate of interest is changed, with just one click allinterest% of all scheme will be available to members in mobile app.* AllMember of family in 1 mobile - Only by Vayak app, it ispossible toview and manage all family members’ accounts in onemobile. Forexample if husband, wife and father has account insingle societythen single person can manage all accounts in hismobile app. * AllAccount Summary - In this App member can view allhis accountsummary in one screen. With all detail like Scheme name,A/c no.,A/c opening Date, Maturity Date, Closing Balance, Inst.Amt.,Interest %, and surety detail in loan. * Single Account Detail-from all account summary you can click any one account andgetdetail date wise transaction of that account. * Lasttransactionsview - Even member can view his last 10/15 transactionof allaccounts with detail. * Director / Staff - in mobile App alist ofall directors and staff member can be displayed to member*Official News - Every society need to publish some newsandinformation. This news can be regarding AGM Date,Prizedistribution Date and time, Dividend payment dates,Holidays,changes in society policy, changes in rate of interest,New schemelaunch etc. * Photo Gallery - with this feature memberscan viewphotos of events at society. * Download Forms - Memberscandownload different kind of forms from his mobile App. form canbelike Loan form, Membership Form, resignation form, NewAccountOpening Form. * New Account opening Requests - Generallyinemployee society Member job location is far away fromsocietylocation, so for opening new account he can send request tosocietyby mobile App. his request can be like this - open M.R.Account of1500 from next month * send Complain to soc. - withmobile Appmember can send his complain regarding any of his accounttosociety.